[BUG] Re: German language on the css validator site: not valid

On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 20:50, M. Stephan wrote:
> Hi!
> (Relevance: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator-uri.html)
> The German version of your CSS Validator Site is, concerning german 
> grammar, not valid. ;-)
> There are THREE mistakes, one of them a major one.

Since I'm not the one who the german version, I include Rigo in the
message. Rigo, the pages are available at:
in case you want to update them...

> Number One:
> Original (You):
> Geben Sie den URI des Dokuments (HTML mit CSS oder CSS alleine), das Sie 
> validieren möchten an:
> Better:
> Geben Sie den URI des Doukuments an (HTML mit CSS oder CSS alleine), das 
> Sie validieren möchten:
> Or, even more sophisticated:
> Geben Sie den URI des zu validierenden Dokuments an (HTM mit CSS oder CSS 
> alleine):
> Explanation: "an" is part of  "Geben". Therefore, you either have to put a 
> comma between "möchten" and "an" (which sounds horrible, although it is 
> technically correct), or you put "an" after "Dokuments" which is definitely 
> more elegant.
> The second possibility is the use of an infinitive construction. However, 
> this sounds definitely "colder".
> Number Two:
> Original (You)
> Damit Ihr CSS-Stylesheet wie gewünscht funktioniert, benötigen Sie einen 
> korekten Parsebaum des Dokuments.
> "korekten" is incorrect. "korrekten" is the correct spelling.
> Number Three (the major one).
> Original (You):
> Dies bedeutet, daß Sie validiertes HTML.
> Translation: This means, you validated HTML. Obviously, this sentence 
> lacks. *lol*
> Ok, ok, now serious. As this sentence is incomplete, I have to guess a 
> right ending. I am pretty sure you meant
> "Dies bedeutet, dass Ihr HTML valide sein muss."
> (Note the "ss" instead of the "ß", which is not to be used any more after 
> short vocals).
> As an alternative, this would be of stylistic satisfaction:
> Dies ist nur mit validem HTML gewährleistet.
> Hope you find it funny, too.
> M. Stephan
> Valid German!
> P.S. Am meisten Spaß gemacht hat die Schreiberei in Englisch. Nix für ungut!


Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2002 09:22:15 UTC