Re: Valiator error occurs when validating css file first parsed server-side - any ideas?

* Michael S. Bradley, Jr. wrote:
>I truly appreciate any advice or insight you might offer and
>understand that your time is surely limited in that regard. I would
>have posted this question to the appropriate w3c list, but the one
>associated with the css validator appears to be filled with spam, but
>that may be a misunderstanding on my part.

It is filled with Spamqand I'm the only regular here, but I answer most
(i.e. all 3 different :-) questions ...

>My first attempt at proper XHTML and stylesheet implementation ...

You are using

  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"  

Your system identifier should point to

instead of
especially because it points to a false location:

% http-head
HTTP/1.1 302 Object Moved
Location: /
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
Content-Length: 124

<head><title>Document Moved</title></head>
<body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This document may be found <a

This is twice broken, the Location:-HTTP-Header must return a absolute
URI, not a relative one and response entity bodies are forbidden for
HEAD requests.

However, fixing your SYSTEM identifier should solve your problems with
the validator in the first place.

>The stylesheet for the root directory's default (and only) document
>is linked and you can view it directly in a browser ...
>Now, if you submit the same URI to the validator the following error
>is returned:
>I/O Error: Can't process the object
> "

Maybe this is because the two

  Page-Completion-Status: Normal
  Page-Completion-Status: Normal

headers in your HTTP response (resulting in

  Page-Completion-Status: Normal, Normal

...), however, the validator encounters currently violent network
errors, i.e. most hosts aren't reachable, for example.

Another source for errors is the

  Content-type: text/html

header, this should be text/css for CSS files, another thing to fix.

>When you view the style sheet directly in the browser or "see it
>implemented" on the default document, your browser is actually
>receiving content that has been parsed by a ColdFusion application
>server ( ). If I tell the application server
>NOT to parse ".css" files then the error is not encountered.

Maybe then the right MIME type is returned by your IIS server, but
normaly the Validator should say that the resource has the wrong MIME
Björn Höhrmann { }
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Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 09:31:23 UTC