Re: Complaints

* Christopher R. Maden wrote:
>I have a well-formed and valid XHTML document at <URL: 
> >.  The W3C HTML validation service and 
>nsgmls confirm this.  However, the CSS validator rejects it, stating that 
>the XML document is not valid.

Hm, seems that the CSS Validator uses an outdated XML-Parser that does
not accept the xml:space declarations in the strict DTD, as they are
allowed by XML 1.0 SE.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
25899 Dagebüll { PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 }

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 18:36:16 UTC