validate css

here is something icame up with, when u move your mouse over a table it
changes with css and then back 2 what u want. but my problem is how do i
manipulate the table when it goes on with css. here's the code: 

.cell_light_off {font-size:20px; font-family:neuropol,ocr a extended,arial;
color:#000000; background-color:#FF9E3E; letter-spacing:3pt}

.cell_light_on {font-size:20px; font-family:neuropol,ocr a extended,arial;
color:#FF9E3E; background-color:#ffffff; letter-spacing:3pt;

the end bit of cell_light_on table-cellpadding i want 2 be one on my table
on mouseover, it doesn't work. the mouseover/off thing works perfectly, i
just want 2 get the table aspect 2 also work. thanx

here's the code for the on/off table thing

<div class=cell_light_off onmouseout="this.className='cell_light_off';"
onmouseover="this.className='cell_light_on';">title here/div></div>

i didn't bother pasting the whole table source, just this bit 2 show u

thanx, pbxphreak []

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