- From: <energypricing@lelpeto.com>
- Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 22:20:55 -0600 (CST)
- To: www-tv@w3.org
prompt L.A. CaRFG, while Bay bbl sold per Lel B. Peto updating at 86.5cts. Dec. unleaded is working inside an 81.25 by 82ct window. Portlandno-lead is 82 by 83.25cts with 82.5 last trading. L.A. CARB diesel is for sale at 81cts looking for a buyer, while Bay diesel is offered at 82.25cts looking for a bid. EPA is 77 by 79cts in L.A., while Portland just traded at 82cts. Jet fuel in L.A. is bid 4.25cts and offered at 5cts over, with the Bay holding...on 11-8..
Received on Monday, 16 December 2002 22:48:51 UTC