Re: [rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6] Algorithm for creating a URI from a QName in RDF Model?


I think we agree more than not.  My "on the web" bit was pretty half-baked, 
an attempt to reconcile some opposing views.  The problem we have is:

>I am, at  I don't know about other people,
>you'll have to ask them.

Does the URI denote you the person, or a document 
that happens to say some things about you?  How far does the notion of 
"being a representation of" extend?

How do I say that the author of the document at is 
the person known as Mark Baker?

A weaker version of what I said before would be:  if we adopt a convention 
of using uri#frag to refer to non-document entities (people, cars, etc.) 
then this problem doesn't arise.  If the controller of some namespace 
decides to use bare URIs in this way, then it may be encumbent on them to 
be clear about exactly how they are using the URI.  (e.g. I have a 
convention in my web space that is used for such 
abstract identifiers.  I think it helps to clarify the intent, but it 
doesn't make all the problems go away, such as my second question above.)


Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 08:21:47 UTC