for Advisory Committee

Was this proposal ever actually sent to the Advisory Committee?

> --- Resolution ---
> Dear members of the W3C Advisory Committee:
> Please join me in sending the following resolution to the Director 
> with your name appended below to indicate your approval.
> Whereas, the W3C suffers from a lack of transparency due to early 
> concerns about membership competition;
> whereas, this lack of transparency impedes the accountability, 
> credibility, and effectiveness of the W3C;
> whereas, the W3C has long recognized and allowed without 
> objection "invited experts," who are given full participation 
> rights within subgroups of the W3C;
> whereas, the W3C aspires to construct recommendations of use to 
> all people in general,
> whereas, the W3C has long recognized, allowed, and encouraged the 
> invitation of experts to attend and participate within groups of 
> the W3C at no cost;
> whereas, the results of end users are the final authority on 
> issues such as accessibility, usability, and problem 
> identification and solving;
> whereas, the W3C would thus benefit from the inclusion and 
> participation of all, so
> therefore, be it resolved that we, as designated below, ask the 
> immediate inclusion of all people as invited experts in all 
> groups organized within the W3C.  We respectfully ask that the 
> W3C leadership approve this invitation without delay, and provide 
> for unrestricted access to all W3C "members only" archives and 
> discussion groups, and announce the availability of this 
> information and participation opportunity through the customary 
> communication channels and on  Thank you.
> James Salsman, Mountain View, California

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2002 12:49:19 UTC