Re: Semantic Document Framework(s)

Sean Palmer writes:

: And really it should have Schemas, but ignore that for now.
: Now, the first point to make is that you'd just type the text into an SW
: WYSIWYG editor:
: "November 8, 2000: It's a nice chilly 70 degrees here in Chicago."

This is a bit of a stretch even for in-house authoring systems.

However, at that level the following could be made to yield your
specific example:

\weather\date{20001108}: It's a nice chilly \temp{70F} degrees here
in \location{Chicago}.

Your example was:

: <p xmlns="">
: <weather xmlns="">
: <date c="2000-11-8">November 8, 2000</date>: It's a nice chilly <temp
: c="70F">70</temp> degrees here in <location>Chicago</location>.</weather>
: </p>

You get it with a pipeline.

Blank lines can be understood to represent paragraph boundaries.

Syntatic translation(*) yields the SGML version of your document type
where OMITTAG makes it sane not to write the end tag for "weather",
the end being implied by the paragraph boundary if "weather" can only
contain %paraContents.

The SGML is:

<weather><date>20001108</date>: It's a nice chilly <temp>70F</temp>
degrees here in <location>Chicago</location><eos/>

A translator from the SGML version to the XML version of your document
type knows the xmlns values and is swift at expanding the succinct
date and temperature input.

(*) The syntactic translator in my GELLMU project is still under
development.  Information about it is, however, available on the

William F. Hammond                   Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics
518-442-4625                                  The University at Albany                      Albany, NY 12222 (U.S.A.)                Dept. FAX: 518-442-4731

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2000 08:29:19 UTC