Re: errata for cookie spec

Matthew Rubenstein:
>        Domains' cookies should be partitioned from one another. However,
>preventing a domain from sending its cookie to another domain's server for
>parsing only forces the sender to use out-of-band communication between
>servers - higher cost, especially in syncing the timing with the user's
>navigation between the servers.

This higher cost and difficulty of syncing is not a bug, it is a feature!
And this syncing is going to get more difficult still when we get country
level proxies.

Servers have no business sharing information without the user's consent, and
I therefore see not reason why sharing information in a sneaky way should be
particularly cheap or easy.  If they want to share, let them embed the info
in a link where the user can see it.

>Matthew Rubenstein                     North American Media Engines


Received on Friday, 7 February 1997 03:39:09 UTC