Hi there!!!!!  I'm looking for a broad range of people to
answer this survey and e-mail this filled out form to:


     This survey is to help me complete my  thesis  for my
Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry. 

When answering the yes/no questions please feel free to add your
own comments.  When answering the multiple choice please (X) the
appropriate answer.  Please answer the questions to the best of
your knowledge.

If you have any questions or further comments please feel free to
e-mail me at  the address above.

1.   Where do you live? (Province and City)

2.   What do you do for a living?

3.   How old are you?

4.   What was the last grade that you completed?

5.   What is your definition of a forest
          ( )a) a source of timber
          ( )b) a source of food
          ( )c) a place for recreation
          ( )d) habitat for plants and animals
          ( )e) a source of economic gain
          ( )f) other please specify

6.  Do you use the forest for anything? (yes/no)

6b. If yes, please list what you use the forest for (hunting,     
    fishing, hiking etc.). 

7.   What is the greatest threat to the forest
          ( )a) logging
          ( )b) pollution
          ( )c) forest fires and insects
          ( )d) human intervention in nature
          ( )e) other  please specify

8.   Do you feel we are degrading the forest? (yes/no)

9.   Do you feel we are protecting the forest? (yes/no)

10.  Do you feel that we should be using the forest for economic 
     gain? (yes/no)

11.  Do you think we are planting enough trees? (yes/no)

12.  Do you think the forest industry or the government should be 
     responsible for planting trees (reforestation)? (yes/no)

13.  What would you consider good reforestation practices
          ( )a) planting the same species of trees
          ( )b) planting different species of trees in the same
          ( )c) allowing the forest to return naturally

14.  Do you think the forest industry needs regulating by the
     government? (yes/no)

15.  If  yes, why?

16.  Should we be managing our forests? (yes/no)

17.  If yes, what do you consider good management policies
          ( )a) managing for economic gain
          ( )b) managing for recreation i.e. fishing, hunting
          ( )c) managing for a diverse forest i.e. different
                plants and animals
          ( )d) managing for conservation of the forest and it's
          ( )e) other please specify

18.  Do you think the forest industry is doing enough to protect
     the environment? (yes/no)

19.  Is there any harvesting/logging in your area? (yes/no)

20.  Is the forest industry harvesting (cutting) too many trees,  
     just enough trees, or too few trees?

21.  Do you think clearcutting is a good forest practice?

22.  Do you think clearcuts are 
          ( )a) too widely used
          ( )b) used just enough 
          ( )c) not used enough

23.  Should we allow harvesting in old growth forests? (yes/no)

24.  If yes, who should regulate the amount cut
          ( )a) the forest industry
          ( )b) the government
          ( )c) the public

25.  Do you think there are too many logging roads? (yes/no)

26.  Do you think the logging roads give us too much access to  
     the forest? (yes/no)

27.  If yes or no please explain.

28.  If an educational program on forestry practices and the  
     forest industry were to  become available in your area would you
     attend? (yes/no)
          A) if yes, why?
          B) if no, why not?

29.  Would you become involved with the forest industry if public
     involvement was encouraged? (yes/no)
          A) if yes, why?

          B) if no, why not?

30.  If you could attend a course/seminar on forestry what would
     you like to see covered? 

THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.  If you know any one else who wouldn't
mind taking the time to fill out this survey I would really
appreciate their input..

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 1997 18:16:46 UTC