<no subject>

New Free Book Offer
Free 1-800 Voice Mail Service
Only $39.00 per Guaranteed Lead,
We call a guaranteed lead a client that actually 
engages your service.

We have clients who need your services, guaranteed!  

One of the greatest challenges of competing in the marketplace today 
is simply getting your audience's attention.  Finally, a 
lead-generating network has emerged for Web Page Designers to bring 
you clients in need of the very services you have to offer.  You 
might say we specialize in making introductions.

Look at the Market Potential.

A recent Wall Street Journal Report has predicted there will be 3 
Billion Web Pages in 3 years.  Just Three years.  Just look at A T & 
Tıs recent announcement offering FREE INTERNET SERVICES to their 
MILLIONS of customers.  There are millions of  businesses in the 
World that donıt have Web Pages.  Fortune 1000 companies are 
creating new departments just for creating Interactive Web Pages.

Over 500,000 new businesses open each year just in The United States 
and remember the Internet means the World has just opened up to 
you,which includes a virtually  untapped market of Home-Based 
Businesses-This year alone an expected 63 Million are predicted to 
be working from home.
And every one of them to wants to be on The Internet!  It is cheaper 
and more effective, to name a few advantages for businesses.    

Take a look at just one successful campaign thatıs working.

We recently placed a classified advertising in local small 
newspapers starting out ³An Entrepreneurs Dream².  We offered web 
page, 1-800- Voice Mail and Fax on Demand services for one year for 
only $295.00.  We received thousands of inquiries.  

None of the customers purchased solely the initial services we were 
offering, because they wanted additional services.  
The average customer will spend $1,000.00 or more.  These same ads 
will begin to appear this month in major national magazines such as 
Home Office Computing, Inc. Magazine, Nations Business, 
Entrepreneur, Success and many others.  

These ads will appear continually.  We have many customers that have 
inquired about services and we have been unable to fulfill their 
request.  These are solid leads.  If youıre good at what you do, 
these leads can become your customers.  

Presenting The Pinnacle Internet Company Network-A Network of Design 

The Pinnacle Internet Company,  a company that specializes in 
developing sales and marketing programs for Internet Web Page design 
professionals and businesses that need them.  And a current member 
of the Greater Atlanta Better Business Bureau. We have taken the 
mere act of networking,  incorporated it with today's technology and 
turned it into a profitable exchange of information and services for 
you and the clients that need you.   We take full advantage of the 
latest technology available in providing the best possible service, 
thereby reducing costs which allow us to then pass these savings in 
operating and promotional costs on to you, our member. You can, in 
turn, pass these savings on to the clients you serve by way of lower 
fees and increased services to more clients.    

We're here to put you in touch with the very people you're looking 
for-people in search of the very services that you have to offer.   
Many professionals are just not comfortable with selling themselves. 
We offer you a vehicle to display your talents. We advertise and 
promote  your services for you.  

We handle the advertising, marketing, public relations and telephone 
marketing for you.  We educate the prospective client and show them 
the value of your services and how to buy and use web page design 
services.  We take the fear out of using a web page designer's 
service.  When the client realizes the value of your service, they 
usually buy more services.   
Participation in The Pinnacle Internet Company  can save you 
advertising and promotional costs.  Gain valuable contacts through 
colleagues.  Participate in power buying.  Lotıs of free 
consultations and technical support via technology.  
Teleconferencing, Video Conferencing, E-mail, 1-800 Voice Mail, 
Digital Alpha Paging and much, much more.

We offer you a franchise opportunity without "franchise cost".

Your overhead is significantly lowered by taking advantage of the 
latest technology available, thereby eliminating the need for 
marketing and operational staffs. We use only the most current 
technology available to build sales and deliver service. 

Where do we advertise and how do we promote services?

If youıre familiar with lawyer and physician referral services, then 
you have the general idea of the service we offer, but with a great 
deal more to offer.

The Pinnacle Internet Company advertises in over 100 business 
publications, newspapers, consumer publications, community 
publications and varied publications.   Your Web Pages will be 
featured on our server and listed with all Internet Search Engines 
and other Internet Advertising Venues.  We participate in over 100 
business-to-business trade shows throughout the country, produced by 
local Chambers of Commerce.  In addition, we send out 100,000 
direct-mail pieces featuring our membersı work,  including flyers, 
brochures and training materials to new business listings,  each 
month, compiled from new business legal registrations and a contract 
we maintain with Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.  for new businesses.  

How does it work?

When prospective clients call our toll-free number, our experienced 
customer service staff assists them with any questions they might 
have.No hard sell tactics are ever used. Building strong personable 
relationships is one of our many quality-oriented services and 
operational policies.    We are here to answer any questions 
prospective clients have.  Questions that you won't waste time 
answering, initially, in your business relationship.  Lots of free 
informational services, such as fax on demand of various promotional 
materials our members provide us with.  

We maintain a comprehensive database on you and prospective clients 
in order to provide the client with as much information in choosing 
a web page designer and to match you, the designer, with the type of 
client you like to serve.   Our customer service staff prequalifies 
the lead and cross-references them with our database of available 
professionals.  Our customer services staff keeps in touch with 
prospective clients for developing relationships.    
How do you Get Leads?

A limited number of members are accepted per region.  Your region is 
based on the zip code and the business population in the area you're 
willing to serve.    This information is programmed into our 
comprehensive database and is made available to prospective clients.
Once a match is made, we then place the referral in your assigned 
1-800 voice mailbox, thereby "introducing" the potential client to 
you.   With our system this all happens in minutes.    This allows 
you the ability to get right down to business, so you don't waste 
valuable time.  Your conscientiousness of time and its value is 
impressive to clients.

Your very own toll-free voice mail!

Through your personal 1-800 voice mail box you'll receive prospect 
leads, prompt network announcements and timely, competitive 
information.  With this system your clients can leave detailed 
messages 24 hours a day.  This service is offered to you and your 
clients, free-of-charge.  You pay no additional charge for this 

You can check your 1-800 voice mailbox on a daily basis for leads, 
communications from current clients and network announcements.  Keep 
in mind that as an added bonus to these "introductions", provided 
via 1-800 voice mail, you pay only when the client actually engages 
your services, not before.

Our business is to provide you with clients who need your services.  
Our goal is to bring you 100 clients within a 12-month period.  We 
only make money when the referral we give you does business with 

Get guaranteed leads.  

And remember, you pay us for the referral only when the client 
engages your services.  That's what we mean by a guaranteed lead.  
We guarantee that the referral we give you is someone who has 
contacted us and is in need of your services.

Consider this:  you can pay quite a bit more to join various 
associations, local chambers, attend seminars,  place local 
advertisements, buy marketing programs and invest in franchises.  
But none of these are guaranteed to bring you leads and/or 

We invite you to join today.  But how do I join, you ask.  It's 
simple.  Just send your check or money order for $99.00  (an annual 
membership fee) , along with the order form enclosed. You pay this 
fee only to help cover the costs of the many services we provide you 
with, such as your 1-800 voice mail service.   You pay only the 
$99.00 annual membership fee and $39.00 per client that actually 
engages your services.  There are no other fees or costs, not even 
telephone costs. 

Included in your membership to our network is unlimited 
participation in our monthly brainstorming sessions with fellow 
members of the network via telephone conference  and video 
conferences at offices we maintain throughout the country and local 
Kinkoıs.  "Brainstorming" allows you to talk and "network" with 
other members and realize their accomplishments and problem-solving 
techniques-This is an opportunity to share knowledge.  

Our program is simple, yet more advanced than anything like it.  It 
not only provides a much-needed service to our members, but to the 
clients they serve.  Increase your bottom line today!   We believe 
strongly in the service we provide and in the members we serve, for 
prospective members undergo a thorough screening process and are 
accepted only after this qualifying process is complete. 

Absolutely no hidden costs of any kind are involved.  Your check or 
money order is not accepted, unless you are accepted as a network 
member.  Include along with the order form a resume, business cards, 
brochures, a disk with samples of your work (if available) , a 
client profile on the types of clients you like to serve and any 
other relative information that you have in regard to your 
experience and the services you have to offer.    Include any areas 
of specialization.  Tell us the geographic area you prefer and if 
you are willing to travel in order to provide your services.  

Upon acceptance, you will begin receiving several kits, the initial 
kit of which will include your voice mail assignment which will be 
faxed to you usually within 24 hours.   Once you receive your voice 
mail assignment you are on-line with our system.  You will receive a 
30 minute teleconference training session to show you the many 
features of our system.  Our system is more than just a voice mail 
system, but is truly a networking system that interacts with our 
promotional efforts. 
Our Free Bonus Book Offer.

Other kits will include advertising material you can use and if you 
send your application today, we will send you absolutely free the 
book, "Web Advertising and Marketing² by Paul J. Dowling Jr., Thomas 
J. Kuegler Jr., and Joshua O. Teterman, published by Prima 
Publishing.  Through a special arrangement, we have several copies 
that we are giving away.  

What About ³Web Page Advertising and Marketing²?

Itıs your printed Business Connection to the Web!  With over 7 
million American consumers connecting to the World Wide Web, you 
canıt afford to miss out on the fastest-growing direct marketing 
opportunity in history.  The Web has the power to put your business 
on-screen in front of potential buyers anywhere in the world.

³Web Advertising and Marketing² presents the important information 
you need to get your business online.  Whether your business is a 
one person operation or a multinational corporation, this book 
covers everything you need to implement  proven marketing strategies 
on the Web and make your companyıs presence a hot spot people will 
visit again and again!

As the creators of Skyline Network Technologies, Inc., a 
full-service Internet publishing and consulting firm specializing in 
interactive advertising, the authors know how to help you determine 
your best online strategies.  Whether you want a simple one-page ad 
in an electronic mall or a dedicated Web server in your office, ³ 
Web Advertising and Marketing² shows you how the Web can increase 
your bottom line. 

Our philosophy in dedication to service and the success of our 
program is in the unsurpassed service we give you, as our member, 
and the service we offer prospective clients-much of what is missing 
in doing business today.  We guarantee your complete satisfaction.  
Your membership is completely refundable, at any time, and you are 
not obligated at any time.  There are no hidden surprises.  

You see other services similar to ours charge you high fees up front 
including one month's billing in advance or per lead fees, just to 
mention a few.  These expenses leave you to work for quite some time 
before you earn anything.  With our program, you start earning right 
way.  It relaxes your business, which enables you to provide better 
service to the client and increase your earning potential.  A 
satisfied client is a successful business.   Our concept is a bit 
different, but you can see how it's quite successful. 

We know this brochure can't answer all of your questions.   Part of 
our unsurpassed service is that we are here seven days a week to 
answer all your questions.  Give us a call, so we can talk about 
your becoming a member of a winning team today.  Be a partner in 
profit.  Hurry, we only accept a limited number of members per 
region.  Join us now.   We promise you'll be glad you did.  There 
are countless number of benefits and they never stop.   

Networking the power of the 21st Century, TODAY. 
Call 1-888-728-3600


Send your membership application 
and make your check payable to:
The Pinnacle Internet Company

Attention: Mr. David Ellis
Marketing Director
1150 Hammond Drive, Suite 3240 C
Atanta, GA 30328
Fax 770-828-0005

Dear  David,

	Yes, I am interested in participating in your networking  program 
and starting my own Web Page Design business.  Please enter my order 
for your full program, including my FREE BOOK ³Web Advertising and 
Marketing². My check (check must clear bank before program is sent)  
or Money Order for $99.00 is enclosed with my order .   I understand 
that I can return the material anytime if I am dissatisfied with the 
program for a full and complete refund.


Business Name:





As a member of the The Pinnacle Internet Company, NETWORK Program. 

 I, ____________________,agree to pay an annual membership fee of 
$99.00, which is completely refundable at any time after joining The 
Network.  This fee only helps to cover the cost of the services 
offered to me by  The Pinnacle Internet Company, including toll-free 
voice-mail services , advertising, promotional services, mailings, 
trade show expenses and $39.00 per lead fees.    I understand that 
the The Pinnacle Internet Company, will make client-member 
introductions- leaving  me to negotiate price, set meetings,  handle 
billing and any other further business that  would result from the 
The Pinnacle Internet Companyıs lead. 
 I understand if I can not handle the lead,  I will submit the lead 
back to the The Pinnacle Internet Company so that another member can 
be assigned to the lead in a timely manner.  I understand that the 
client can, if so desired, request to meet another Pinnacle Internet 
Company member before deciding.   Failure to respond to a guaranteed 
lead, in a timely manner, can result in the assigning of the lead to 
another Network member.   I understand that the Network will call 
this client from time to time during our working relationship in 
order to ensure the client's satisfaction with my performance, 
products and services.  I understand that the Network and/or  The 
Pinnacle Internet Company has the authority to terminate my 
membership to the Network, at any time, due to unsatisfactory 
performance, unfair business practices, client complaints, abuse of 
services, any unethical or illegal activity and failure to pay for 
services.  By being a Network member, I understand that I have 
access to support services being offered by the Network, free of 
charge.  By being a Network member, I also understand that I will be 
assigned a toll-free voice-mail box number in which I will receive 
my leads,  Network announcements and  communications from clients, 
potential and otherwise.   I will be allowed to use the services as 
part of my business and in the conduct of my business.     I further 
agree not to use this mail box number for any false, misleading, or 
any otherwise unethical and illegal business or personal activity.   
Attach any comments to this agreement and sign the comment letter, 
if applicable.  A signed copy will be returned to you.

Agreed by:

Network Member 




For  The Pinnacle Internet Company (a Delaware Corporation)



Print Name: ____________________________________________ 

(c) 1996 The Pinnacle Internet Company
Now Located in Atlanta € Dallas € Phoenix  € Wilmington €  Denver
and New Offices Opening every month.   Weıre Growing!

Received on Monday, 3 June 1996 19:09:34 UTC