Re: www-talk-d Digest V96 #26

[ the old-fashioned uunet addresses takes me back -- haven't seen 'em for a
  while!  Hope this gets everywhere it's meant to go! (I fixed www-talk)]

On Mon, 18 Mar 1996, Luke Gonze said:
> I certainly don't mean to slight the utility of perl or other
> higher-level resources.  As a C programmer working with libwww, the
> netscape server api, and embedded sql I tend to think in those terms.  As
> always, the details of the job should dictate the choice of tools.

The process overhead is the danger with using perl or other cgi-level,
non-api access mechanism: every time a perl script is executed,, it's
another process call.  With e.g. the W3/CERN libwww, the NSAPI or the C/TCL
API of naviserver, the connection can be at the server level within the
same process.

BTW: Netscape and (I believe) Naviserver have advertised direct connection
mechanisms for the Informix DBMS.  See, for example, the SuiteSpot doc at

Fen Labalme
Director of Technology                     email:
Songline Studios                  

Received on Monday, 18 March 1996 15:41:02 UTC