good luck letter

If you don`t want luck and you feel flamed then you can delete this message now.
This message has been sent to for good luck. The original is in New England. It
has been sent around the world 30 + x times. The luck has now been sent to you.
You will receive good luck within four days if receiving this message-Provided
you, in turn send it on. This is no joke. You will receive good luck in your 
mailbox. Send copies to people the you think need good luck. Do not keep this 
message! This message must leave your hands in 96 hours.
At the end of the message you will see how the luck has alraedy worked.
                        take care and good luck
From: Icicle <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 23:20:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: AeroMail Fwd: the good luck letter (fwd)

>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 21:48:09 -0400 (EDT)
>From: "<Nephilim>" <>
>X-Sender: afuent01@solix
>To: Larry Perez <>, Gene <>,
>        Sandy Roldan <>,
>        "Lourdes \"lulu\"" <>,
>        Kelvin Walter Tamayo <>,
>        "Thanatos (Alan)" <>,
>        Sze Tan <>, Pamala Torro <>,
>        Melanie <>, jennifer skahan <>,
>        Tim Drozinski <>,
>        "Chance M." <>, "Brian B." <>,
>        Ben Del Vento <>, Auri <>,
>        Christina LeMaire <>, Vicky <>,
>        "J. William McCarthy" <>,
>        Jaymes <>, Jennifer <>
>Subject: Fwd: the good luck letter (fwd)
>helllo everyone who got this letter. im sorry to send this crap to you,
>but you see, well, im not really superstitious, but in 4 days, when good
>luck is supposably going to come, it will be  saturday, and well i have
>something planed for saturday, and i dont want to ruin it. so you all got
>this crap. all you have to do is foward it to 20 ppl. dont send it again
>to anyone who has recieved it, cause that doesnt count. (this is
>especially for those on the mailing list.) im sure you can get 20 emails
>from somewhere, and if you dont, just go to the web and take the emails of
>ppl that you dont know. :)
>well take care all
>and good luck
>When I was a very small boy,
>Very small boys talked to me.
>Now that we've grown up together,
>They're afraid of what they see.
>-New Order
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 21:24:01 -0400
>Subject: Fwd: the good luck letter
>Resent-Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 14:15:45 GMT
>Resent-From: Fernando Collado Mesa <>
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-12 21:16:46 EDT
>From:    Gs136
>To:      JMorten460,Ldl4today,Jena xoxo
>To:      N6VHK,AtlTap,DAROTU,Taboo14109
>To:      Lisa Lin1,TxGirls123,Ra911
>To:      STYLECOP,EJRTORO,Steve2800
>To:      Try2Love,Ncboy1012,JohnS147
>To:      Creamzzz,MPhill1811,RottedDth
>To:      Latin52
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-12 10:35:30 EDT
>From:    Kartkraze1
>To:      Rad 7532,K14MC,Jester,M Thamarus
>To:      Gs136,Slammer12,KateyTLC
>To:      Sweetie661,KENHOFF,JENNIFFIER
>To:      Sanz2431,Wazup825,PET LOV408
>To:      WAZUP BOYS,DWMN1410,Sweetz272
>To:      JSSWC
>CC:      Kartkraze1
>sorry im dointhis to ya all
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-09 21:51:13 EDT
>From:    Gromit 900
>To:      DGreenw104,Star5607,ScytheSK
>To:      Kartkraze1,DrDotC,Gummy350
>To:      Rogue82852,Jillcat14,Emshils
>To:      GROOVYCH1C,Shnikle,RC Cola957
>To:      Mastiophis,Saphirre99,Iamanut
>To:      TrxR4Kidz,Snifit 1,Snifit 2
>To:      Snifit 3,Snifit 5
>Sorry to do this to you, but i just got this letter myself, and i needed some
>people to send it to. Im not supersticious or anything, and i dont believe in
>this letter stuff, but i decided to do this anyway, because i usually reply
>to all my mail. :) Good Luck!
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-09 15:45:43 EDT
>From:    Kermit900
>To:      AmandaKCS,Limbach G,N2jetskis
>To:      Marynia,
>To:      Hades125,HanSolo387,TailsXX
>To:      Zerojosh,Gromit 900,Krickit
>To:      Neglekt183,ARQuint,Gummy330
>To:      MegaRex99,Airboy1,Rudie302
>To:      MUDSY333,Plastimaid,A1 FUDGE
>Sorry about this guys, but hey, it might work.  i luv these things anyway.
> But, you can't send it back to me, i went through the hell already.  Luv YA!
>Kermit900 or Lestat4355
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-09 15:12:03 EDT
>From:    Dazed27
>To:      Kermit900
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-08 16:17:33 EDT
>From:    Dazed27
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-08-01 21:19:04 EDT
>From:    Confused7
>To:      Dazed27
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-24 17:05:02 EDT
>From:    Rockie5
>To:      Confused7
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-24 12:39:20 EDT
>From:    KBarr59123
>To:      Snow41897,SABLE 7374,RON78
>To:      Champs35,Pisces4444,Chris7799
>To:      Rockie5
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-18 11:52:46 EDT
>From:    JenniHeath
>To:      KBarr59123
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-17 13:47:43 EDT
>From:    Toto1979
>To:      JenniHeath
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-16 17:44:26 EDT
>From:    Lilangel97
>To:      RLHRANG,RCaldw1013,EnsNcc1701
>To:      Joshmley,Aaron 23 S,Toto1979
>To:      EricC55266,Oppiee,SNOBIRD165
>To:      HistKnit
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-16 17:18:08 EDT
>From:    Jazz007844
>To:      Lilangel97
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-16 17:16:29 EDT
>From:    TazGuy78
>To:      DANCE1228,JZorri1825,BrandonSil
>To:      Jazz007844,Garcia2371,MEarnhart
>To:      Msteve2,Angel 7309,WSW23,UGK
>To:      Pickle262,Magestic15,HOMEGRL911
>To:      Des P,Paruso,Jess963667,Mcco2
>To:      ChrisD1977,BKelley508,JokokiB
>Good luck, sorry if you don't like these
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-16 17:09:04 EDT
>From:    BlueEye17
>To:      TazGuy78
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-16 06:50:10 EDT
>From:    JCC1924
>To:      BlueEye17
>Pass it on....
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-16 01:37:51 EDT
>From:    Player1016
>To:      JCC1924
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-15 07:33:30 EDT
>From:    Orig ABC
>To:      Player1016
>i don't want it you keep it hahahahahaha
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-15 06:54:27 EDT
>From:    Player1016
>To:      Orig ABC
>i got it right now and i don't want it.....u keep it
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-15 06:52:59 EDT
>From:    STEFFREE
>To:      Player1016
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-14 23:55:22 EDT
>From:    SeattlePro
>To:      STEFFREE
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-14 22:30:17 EDT
>From:    Kasey1022
>To:      SeattlePro
>Don't you just love these things....who knows maybe it i thought I
>would pass it along.  ;-)))
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-14 20:22:57 EDT
>From:    BlueeyeMan
>To:      Bug12362
>CC:      Heaven IM,Orig Lady,Kasey1022
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-14 17:58:20 EDT
>From:    Bob i10000
>To:      BlueeyeMan
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-14 14:18:31 EDT
>From:    Terbean2
>To:      Bob i10000
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-13 13:44:51 EDT
>From:    KYJelleigh
>To:      Terbean2
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-11 23:11:23 EDT
>To:      KYJelleigh
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-11 22:46:12 EDT
>From:    BRecc35
>do you get these chain messages??? This one is a nice one though!
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-11 22:43:46 EDT
>From:    Blonde1065
>To:      BRecc35
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-09 21:54:27 EDT
>From:    CarmenMay
>To:      Fuschia725,KRahn13553,Jerald7426
>To:      MOUSE45,ZED21,DrStonePhD,MadyCan2
>To:      Elanna16,Jtsimon,JSROOK,BBEXX
>To:      Blonde1065,Dancer9023,EStew57048
>To:      Frogy12369,DWilli5921,Youngee
>To:      Lisa18nbi,Jackson186,HawkDoctor
>Here's a rose for good luck! @----->
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-08 14:45:29 EDT
>From:    TheSquish2
>To:      CarmenMay
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-07 01:17:23 EDT
>From:    Emerald069
>To:      Twinklet1,R3421,JuHagen
>To:      Spike69669,Pit Pistol,Valocity
>To:      TheSquish2,
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-05 21:40:31 EDT
>From:    D Scirocco
>To:      DMiller305,Snap95,BondVixen
>To:      AnActor,PepMan23,Twinklet1
>To:      Emerald069
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-04 18:34:38 EDT
>From:    Capricco
>To:      D Scirocco,Snaappy,TR 987
>To:      TuesdayC,FVera43631,MIKEY14912
>To:      Kyle57,Esquire787,Cytoku
>To:      Mark K Kim,SNXNJ,Jarcampb,ItskovA
>To:      Iam nice M,Dave12036,RabidHyena
>To:      JRH22222,Evf Doc,Philly 2j
>To:      Sao Paulo9
>Have fun with this a good luck!
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-03 13:01:30 EDT
>From:    Kyle57
>To:      Capricco
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-07-03 00:02:12 EDT
>From:	RRakers106
>To:	Kyle57
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-07-02 23:31:22 EDT
>From:	Kidd1230
>To:	RRakers106
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-07-02 23:03:17 EDT
>From:	CMinyard
>To:	Kidd1230
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-07-02 05:10:13 EDT
>From:	Rat fink02
>To:	CMinyard
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-07-02 03:34:24 EDT
>From:	Muggsy1143
>To:	Rat fink02
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-07-01 23:53:28 EDT
>From:	THEO R5
>To:	FuSoYa8, JC Purr, CordataSed, Muunge
>To:	RAZZIMATAZ, Eefrith, Eeeeeeeek
>To:	LJohn85181, Laser2323, DJohns9999
>To:	HappyOosh, Muggsy1143, Snowwpony
>To:	Curio City, KwikHawk2, Highflyer5
>To:	FRaKiS 15, X Hempster, Albert1069
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-06-30 18:39:45 EDT
>From:	Mike199422
>To:	JINM99, Weirdo281, JUDZIA
>To:	JAniston27, Fookinga, MEGAN 1474
>To:	HML2000, PLUM888, Skigirl35
>To:	LMK1132, Ninchen1, JENNYSTARR
>To:	Charity69, THEO R5
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:	96-06-30 18:24:59 EDT
>To:	Mike199422
>Forwarded Message:
>Subj:	the good luck letter
>Date:	96-06-30 18:21:08 EDT
>From:	MinnCool
>This message has been sent to for good luck.The original is in New England.It
>has been sent around the wolrd nine times.The luck has now been sent to
>you.You will recieve good luck withing four days if receiving this
>message-Provided you, in turn send it on.This is no joke.You will receive
>good luck in your mailbox. Send copies to people the you think need good
>luck. Do not keep this message.This message must leave your hands in 96
>A United States Air Force Officer recived 470,000 dollars.Another man
>received 40,000 dollars and lost it because he broke the chain.Whereas in the
>Phillipines,Gene Welch lost his wife 51 days after receivng this message.He
>failed to circulate this message.However,before his death,he received
> Please send twenty copies and see what happens in four days.The chain comes
>from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda, A MIssionary from South
>Since the copy must tour the world, you must make twenty copies and sent them
>to friends and associates.After a few days, you will get a surprise.This is
>true,even if you are not superstitious.
>Do note the folloeing:Constantine Dias received this chain in 1958. he asked
>his secretarty to make twenty copies andd send them out.A few days later he
>won a lottery of two million dollars.Carlos Daditt,an office
>employee,received the message and forgat that if had to leave his hands in 96
>hours.He lost his job.Later,after,finding that message again,He mailed twenty
>copies.Afew days later he got a better job.josh Levy received this message
>and, not believing-Trew the message away. Nine days later he died.In 1987,
>the message received by a young woman in California was very faded and barely
>readable.She promised herself that she would retype the message and send it
>on,but she set it aside to do it later.She was plagued with various
>problems,includind expensive cars repairs.The letter did not leave her hands
>within 96 hours.She finally typed the letter as promised and got a new car.
>Good luck,but please remember,20 copies of this message must leave your hands
>in 96 hours..... You must not sign on this message...>>> >>> 
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-03 00:02:12 EDT
>From:    RRakers106
>To:      Kyle57
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-02 23:31:22 EDT
>From:    Kidd1230
>To:      RRakers106
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-02 23:03:17 EDT
>From:    CMinyard
>To:      Kidd1230
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-02 05:10:13 EDT
>From:    Rat fink02
>To:      CMinyard
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-02 03:34:24 EDT
>From:    Muggsy1143
>To:      Rat fink02
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-07-01 23:53:28 EDT
>From:    THEO R5
>To:      FuSoYa8,JC Purr,CordataSed,Muunge
>To:      RAZZIMATAZ,Eefrith,Eeeeeeeek
>To:      LJohn85181,Laser2323,DJohns9999
>To:      HappyOosh,Muggsy1143,Snowwpony
>To:      Curio City,KwikHawk2,Highflyer5
>To:      FRaKiS 15,X Hempster,Albert1069
>To:      CRAZY4MERC
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-06-30 18:39:45 EDT
>From:    Mike199422
>To:      JINM99,Weirdo281,JUDZIA
>To:      JAniston27,Fookinga,MEGAN 1474
>To:      HML2000,PLUM888,Skigirl35
>To:      LMK1132,Ninchen1,JENNYSTARR
>To:      Charity69,THEO R5
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    Fwd: the good luck letter
>Date:    96-06-30 18:24:59 EDT
>From:    YELL LAB
>To:      Mike199422
>Forwarded message:
>Subj:    the good luck letter
>Date:    96-06-30 18:21:08 EDT
>From:    MinnCool
>To:      YELL LAB

>A United States Air Force Officer recived 470,000 dollars.Another man
>received 40,000 dollars and lost it because he broke the chain.Whereas in the
>Phillipines,Gene Welch lost his wife 51 days after receivng this message.He
>failed to circulate this message.However,before his death,he received
> Please send twenty copies and see what happens in four days.The chain comes
>from Venezuela and has written by Saul De Groda, A MIssionary from South
>Since the copy must tour the world, you must make twenty copies and sent them
>to friends and associates.After a few days, you will get a surprise.This is
>true,even if you are not superstitious.
>Do note the folloeing:Constantine Dias received this chain in 1958. he asked
>his secretarty to make twenty copies andd send them out.A few days later he
>won a lottery of two million dollars.Carlos Daditt,an office
>employee,received the message and forgat that if had to leave his hands in 96
>hours.He lost his job.Later,after,finding that message again,He mailed twenty
>copies.Afew days later he got a better job.josh Levy received this message
>and, not believing-Trew the message away. Nine days later he died.In 1987,
>the message received by a young woman in California was very faded and barely
>readable.She promised herself that she would retype the message and send it
>on,but she set it aside to do it later.She was plagued with various
>problems,includind expensive cars repairs.The letter did not leave her hands
>within 96 hours.She finally typed the letter as promised and got a new car.
>Good luck,but please remember,20 copies of this message must leave your hands
>in 96 hours..... You must not sign on this message...>>> >>> 
I do not like my state of mind
I'm bitter, Querilous, unkind
I hate my legs, I hate my hands
I do not yearn for lovlier lands
I dread the dawn's recurrant light
I hate to go to bed at night
I snoot at earnest simple folk
I cannot take the gentlest joke
I find no peace in paint or type
My world is but a lot of tripe
I'm disillusioned, empty breasted
For what I think I'd be arrested
I am not sick, I am not well
My quondam dreams are shot to hell
My soul is crushed, my spirit sore
I do not like me anymore
I cavil, grumble, quarrel, grouse
I ponder on the narrow house
I shudder at the thought of men
I'm due to fall in love again.
(UNTITLED, Dorothy Parker)

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 1996 15:11:30 UTC