Update: AusWeb96 - The Premier Australian Web Conference in 1996

Crossposted to a number of lists and newsgroups. Apologies if you receive
more than one copy.

Colleagues: Planning for AusWeb96, the Second Australian World Wide Web
conference organised by Southern Cross University and to be held from 7 to
9 July 1996 at the Conrad Jupiters hotel on Queensland's Gold Coast is well
underway. The conference team is working on a number of workshops,
organising keynote speakers and a physical and virtual conference
exhibition and along with our theme editors, finalising arrangements for
paper & poster submission and presentations.

Workshops confirmed now include management of large web sites, interfacing
the Web and database management systems, the Web and K12 education and the
Web and local government. We are, of course, still looking for suggestions
for workshop and special interest group meetings.

Of course, all of the features of AusWeb95 will also be at AusWeb96
including the opportunity for in-depth discussions of papers, the opening
dinner with table prizes and silly competitions <grin> and the innovative
Virtual Edition.

Full details on AusWeb96 follow.
Look forward to seeing you at NetSurfers Paradise in July '96!
Roger Debreceny on behalf of Allan Ellis and Julie Burton

     AusWeb96 - The Premier Australian World Wide Web Conference in 1996
     AusWeb96 - The Premier Australian World Wide Web Conference in 1996

AusWeb96 is the Second Australian World Wide Web conference, is organised by
Southern Cross University and follows the highly successful AusWeb95. It will
be held from 7 to 9 July 1996 at the Conrad Jupiters hotel on Queensland's Gold

The AusWeb96 home page with full details on the conference and venue and
including a pointer to the registration of interests form, is at:


Or register your interests and get on to our mailing list directly at the
AusWeb96 registration form at:


Or check out the papers and Virtual Edition of AusWeb95 at:


AusWeb96 is designed to be inclusive of the major developments of the World
Wide Web and is being built around four major theme areas, each with its own
theme editor(s):

o       Business Opportunities

o       Education and Learning

o       Technical Futures

o       Media, Cultural and Community Issues

Full details on the themes and theme editors is given below.

AusWeb96 has been designed to provide a range of experiences and styles of
interaction, which will include:

o       Keynote speakers
o       Presentations
o       Full refereed papers
o       Poster sessions on current developments
o       "Birds of a Feather" sessions
o       Physical and virtual exhibitions
o       Pre-conference workshops
o       Pre-conference special interest meetings
o       Face to face networking at the conference dinner and other social
o       A full range of social program for accompanying persons of all ages

The conference program is:

        Saturday 6 July Full day optional preconference workshops and
        meetings. The Conference Exhibition is open to the general public.

        Sunday 7 July Morning only preconference workshops and specialist
        meetings. AusWeb96 commences at 2pm with the dinner at 7pm and the
        Exhibition is open from 9am to 7pm.

        Monday 8 Plenary sessions, keynote speeches, parallel paper sessions,
        poster sessions, birds of a feather meetings and the conference
        party. The Exhibition is open from 9am to 7pm to conference delegates

        Tuesday 9 July Plenary sessions, keynote speeches, parallel paper
        sessions, poster sessions, birds of a feather meetings and the
        Exhibition is open from 9am to 4pm. The conference ends at 5pm.

        Wednesday 10 July Higher education staff development seminar.

The four themes and theme editors are:

Business Opportunities
The Business Opportunities theme will explore the burgeoning global business
market that the Web represents.

The editors of the Business Opportunities  theme for full papers and poster
sessions are Adrian Vanzyl from Monash Medical Informatics and Peter Gilmour
from the Syme School of Marketing in the Faculty of Commerce and Economics
at Monash University (aw96bus@scu.edu.au).

Education and Learning
Education and Learning using the Web is an increasingly important element of
the K-12, higher education and continuing professional development scenes.

The editor of the theme for full papers and poster sessions is Michael Nott,
Director of the Science Multimedia Unit at the University of Melbourne.

Technical Futures
Technical Futures - A very wide range of technical issues will be discussed
in the Technical Futures theme ranging from security, through caching to
interaction with other programs and worlds. A number of management issues
will also be discussed in this theme.

The editors of the theme for full papers and poster sessions are Paul
Thistlewaite, of the Co-operative Research Centre for Advanced Computational
Systems (ACSys) at the Australian National University  and Helen Ashman of
the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (aw96tech@scu.edu.au).

Media, Cultural and Community Issues
Media, Cultural and Community Issues covers a wide range of societal concerns
ranging from gender studies, through the use of the Web as media to cultural
and philosophical issues.

The editor of the theme is Keng Chua, Head of the Centre for Media
Communications and Asian Studies in the Faculty of Arts at Southern Cross
University and Editor of the AusWeb95 Virtual Edition.

There will be both full papers and poster presentations at AusWeb96. Papers
be refereed upon submission of full papers or extended abstracts. All submitted
papers will be refereed for relevance, quality and originality. Accepted papers
will be published in the Conference Proceedings on the Web, on paper and
on CD-ROM.

Posters will be reviewed following the submission of a one page abstract which
includes a pointer to the author's URL.

Full Web access with high quality presentation equipment will be provided in the
meeting rooms at the Conrad Jupiters Hotel. Computers with network access will
also be provided for poster sessions.

The following dates will be used for the submission of papers to AusWeb96:

        1 March  1996 Full papers or extended abstracts

        1 April  1996  Decision on papers emailed

        1 May  1996 Full papers submitted electronically

        1 May  1996 Poster proposals due

        15 May 1996  Decision on posters emailed

        1 June 1996  Full papers and posters released on the Web

        1 July  1996 Conference proceedings published on paper

        1 August  1996 Conference proceedings published on CD-ROM along
with the
        Virtual Edition and Virtual Exhibition

A number of half and full day training workshops and meetings for
specialist groups will be held on the Saturday and Sunday prior to the
commencement of the
Conference at the hotel, Bond University Somerset College and other venues
to be advised.

Five specialist meetings are already being arranged:

*        School Education. Our friends at Somerset College are working with
us to organise a one (or perhaps) two day session for school teachers that
will be held at the College.

*       The Web and Database Management Systems. Adrian Vanzyl will be
running a workshop on interfacing the Web and DBMSs. More on this in the
next update.

*       Serving the Web with Hyper-G. Hermann Maurer will run a workshop on
the Hyper-G system for those that wish to manage large Web sites.

*       Local Government and the Web. Organiser: Tommy Thomas of Bond
(thomast@kirra.its.Bond.edu.au) with the team at Ipswich City Council. A half
day workshop and discussion will be held on Saturday morning. It will focus on
the use of the Web for local government services and activities for all sectors
of the community.

*       Regional Development and the Web. Organiser: Phil Neck of Southern
Cross University's National Research Centre for Regional Development
(pneck@scu.edu.au) A half day workshop and discussion will be held on
Sunday morning. It will focus on the use of the Web for promoting economic
and social development in regional Australia.

In addition, we have had suggestions for workshops on:

o       Advanced HTML form & page design
o       Government/Corparate use of Web technology for Internal Communications
        and Information distrubtion
o       VRML and applications
o       Choosing an Internet Service Provider
o       Electronic Commerce
o       The Web for the accounting, finance and banking communities

Some or all of these workshops will be held .. but we are still actively
pursuing ideas for workshops or special interest group meetings. Email the
team at <aw96@scu.edu.au> if you are interested in running a workshop or would
like to suggest a workshop topic that should be incorporated into AusWeb96.

Our colleagues at Bond University will also be running both introductory and
advanced Web training courses at the University in association with AusWeb96.

As a post-conference event, the Teaching and Learning Unit at Southern Cross
University will be offering a one-day staff development seminar for university
teachers. The seminar will focus specifically on the impact of the Web on
teaching and learning in higher education. Selected guest speakers from the
main conference will present their views at the seminar. It is particularly
designed for staff who are relatively new to this technology and wish to learn
how the Web can be integrated into their courses. Contact Martin Hayden,
Director of the Teaching and Learning Unit for further information at

In conjunction with the Conference there will be a major Exhibition of the
latest Web-related products and services which will be held in the Gold Coast
room at the heart of the Conrad Jupiters conference centre.

It will be open for the following times:

o       Saturday 6 July 10:00am to 9pm for the general public

o       Sunday 7 July 10:00am to 7pm for the general public

o       Monday 8 July 10:00am to 7pm for conference delegates only

o       Tuesday 9 July 9am to 4pm  for conference delegates only

In line with the Web's capabilities, AusWeb96 will also feature a Virtual
Exhibition. The  Virtual Exhibition will be progressively constructed in the
lead up to the conference, finalised during the conference and will be
on-line and on the AusWeb96 CD-ROM after the conference. You will be able
to visit display booths, select and read product literature and investigate
the product offerings. .

As with AusWeb95, the team from the Centre for Media Communications at SCU will
bring you the Virtual Edition which is a full online newspaper and analysis of
what is happening at AusWeb96. For a sample check out the excellent job they
did with AusWeb95 Virtual Edition at:


We would really like you to register your interests for AusWeb96, at our home
page at:


The AusWeb team also maintains a mailing list, AusWeb-L, which will ensure that
you receive updates on a regular, usually monthly basis (of course, if you
tick the box on our registration form to receive updates, you will be
subscribed). Subscribe by sending email to:


With the text:

        subscribe AusWeb-L your_first_name your_surname

Conference program
The joint organisers for AusWeb96 at Southern Cross are Allan Ellis
(aellis@scu.edu.au) and Roger Debreceny (rdebrece@scu.edu.au). Allan's
phone number is +61 66 20 3611. Roger is on study leave at the Haas School of
Business at the University of California at Berkeley from June 1995 to
May 1996 and is at +1 510 526 7218 or by email at <rdebrece@scu.edu.au>.

Conference manager
The conference manager for AusWeb96 is Norsearch Conference Services. The
conference manager is Ms Julie Burton. Julie has conference brochures printed
for AusWeb96 - email her to have some sent to you.

Julie's contact details are:

Email: jburton@scu.edu.au
Mail:  AusWeb96, Norsearch Limited, PO Box 157, Lismore, NSW 2480, Australia
Phone  +61 66 203000 Fax +61 66 221954.

The Gold Coast is South-East Queensland's holiday playground with 50km of
beaches including the internationally known Surfers Paradise. So AusWeb96
is truly being held at NetSurfers Paradise! Apart from the delights of the
beach and the surf there are a wide range of other activities that the Gold
Coast offers including mountain walks in the hinterland, the Currumbin
Nature Reserve and four theme parks. And of course the Gold Coast is known
for its many fine restaurants. The city also has an excellent arts centre.

Just south of the Gold Coast is the magnificent Tweed Valley, dominated by
Mount Warning and surrounded by the World Heritage listed Border Ranges National

Temperatures during July are typically 18C and we have lovely sunny days
during this period.

The Conrad Jupiters is a five+ star hotel and the Coast's only casino. It has
excellent self-contained conference and exhibition facilities which provide a
fitting venue for AusWeb96. You can see some photos of the hotel at our
AusWeb96 home page.

So by coming to AusWeb96 we can cater not only for your need to participate
in Australia's premier, most in-depth Web conference, but also for your
recreational interests be they great outdoors, the beach, dining or the arts!

Looking forward to seeing you on the Gold Coast in July '96!!

Roger Debreceny
on behalf of Allan Ellis and Julie Burton

Received on Friday, 22 September 1995 20:34:16 UTC