Re: Dynamic HTML documents with client pull

On Fri, 28 Apr 1995, Joerg Rhiemeier wrote:
> I am pretty sure that this is Netsc[r]ape-spectific.  I haven't found it
> in the IETF HTTP drafts, and I have to agree with Ulf Kronman that such a
> behaviour is evil, rude and nasty.

I'd prefer to use the term "hack" myself, though Netscape likes to call 
them "cool tricks".  

> This means that Netscrape does not only add shitty extensions to their
> browser, but also to their *server* which is much, much worse!

No.  You don't have to use a Netscape server for this - using the META 
tag is all that's needed.  For non-HTML items, many servers allow you to 
add arbitrary HTTP headers to particular objects (WN, Apache, CERN?) and 
you could always use a CGI script to dish them out with custom headers 


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Received on Friday, 28 April 1995 14:44:28 UTC