- From: Paul Williams <pcw@hooked.net>
- Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 21:32:21 -0700
- To: www-talk@www10.w3.org
Does anyone know if there is a pd icon/other graphic library out there? Things like interesting bars, backgrounds (thanks, netscape. grey was getting a little boring), NEW icons, etc??? pcw@hooked.net -------------------------------+----------------------+ _ /| | If you _really_ want to see what I would | GAT(GCS) -d+ -p+ c++ | \,o.O' | like to put here, finger pcw@hooked.net | l u+ e+(++) m@ s+/++ | =(___)= +---------------------------------------------+ n---@ h++ f(+) !g | U | Please send all mail through pcw@hooked.net | w++ t++(@) r- y? | Prodigy? Are you kidding? -------------------+----- AOL: Just say NO!
Received on Saturday, 8 April 1995 00:46:03 UTC