WWW Fall '94 Tapes (fwd)

  For those who don't read the mbone mailing list, but are interested in
seeing the sessions broadcast on the mbone last October again, we will be
rebroadcasting them next week. 

  These are the times and dates of the tapes to be rebroadcast. If there are
any problems or questions, please mail me (dsimms@ncsa.uiuc.edu) about it. 

For Europe:
Tape                         Date       Local Time     Universal Time
"First Plenary Session"      Mon Mar 20 05:00:00 CST   11:00:00 GMT

"Security on the web"        Tue Mar 21 04:00:00 CST   10:00:00 GMT
"Commerce"                   Tue Mar 21 05:30:00 CST   11:30:00 GMT

"Publishing"                 Wed Mar 22 04:00:00 CST   10:00:00 GMT
"Authoring"                  Wed Mar 22 05:30:00 CST   11:30:00 GMT

"HTML & SGML"                Thu Mar 23 04:00:00 CST   10:00:00 GMT
"WWW / Mosaic"               Thu Mar 23 05:30:00 CST   11:30:00 GMT

For West Coast, Austrailia, East Asia:
Tape                         Date       Local Time     Universal Time
"Plenary Session"            Mon Mar 20 16:00:00 CST   22:00:00 GMT

"Security on the web"        Tue Mar 21 16:00:00 CST   22:00:00 GMT
"Commerce"                   Tue Mar 21 17:30:00 CST   23:30:00 GMT

"Publishing"                 Wed Mar 22 16:00:00 CST   22:00:00 GMT
"Authoring"                  Wed Mar 22 17:30:00 CST   23:30:00 GMT

"HTML & SGML"                Thu Mar 23 16:00:00 CST   22:00:00 GMT
"WWW / Mosaic"               Thu Mar 23 17:30:00 CST   23:30:00 GMT


Daniel Simms      "A common mistake that people make when trying to design 
dsimms@uiuc.edu   something completely foolproof [is] to underestimate the 
(217) 328-7060    ingenuity of complete fools" -Ford Prefect

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 1995 13:30:05 UTC