Re: Netscape 1.1 and Accept: headers

   Date: Sun, 5 Mar 1995 22:10:11 +0500

   I just downloaded my copy of Netscape 1.1 beta 1, very happy to see them
   exploring with tables and other 3.0 features in a mostly standard way. 
   However, I was very dismayed to see that the Accept: headers did *not*
   include something indicating it was HTML 3.0-ready, like text/x-html3 or
   text/html; version=3.0.  

Agreed, with a caution --- while Netscape 1.1 does support tables, it
does not yet support many features of the current 3.0 draft DTD
(<fig>, <note>, and <math> just to name a few that jump out at me from
viewing the W3O's HTML3 walkthrough using Netscape 1.1).  So, if we
call what Netscape accepts right now "HTML3" (however that's spelled),
it could bite us *again* down the line.

Is there any chance for an HTML/2.1 which includes the 2.0 features,
the table extensions, and not much else?


Received on Monday, 6 March 1995 08:57:54 UTC