Re: two-way communication in html

Chin Chee-Kai
> The use, as I work on this MOLTIP UID spec, seems to extend beyond
> just games and interactivity.  In a remote and intensive document
> search, for example, a HTTP-MOLTIP server can first return an
> acknowledgement document saying the search has been initiated.
> Since the server already has the browser's MOLTIP UID, it can 
> close the connection to relieve the browser from being "hung"
> while waiting for the server's long searching time.  The browser
> may, in the mean time, surf through other documents, perhaps 
> initiating searches on more servers.  When the first server
> has reached a conclusion to its search (successful or otherwise),
> it may package its result (eg, tag copyright/contact information,
> compress long documents, etc) and initiate a server->client
> reply message to the original browser via its cached MOLTIP UID.

In this case, it is worth noting that browsers would want to have
message caching so that the incoming response doesn't destroy the
document you are currently viewing.  In other words, there would
have to be a cache mechanism on the client side for responses based
on MOLTIP UID's or something so that you could tell multiple messages
from different servers apart in the queue.

Maybe a window with a Netscape-hotlist style interface would work, but
it would be separate from the hotlist in implementation unless a link
to your list was specifically requested.

Anyway, something to consider.
> [*] I didn't include the details on "R-HTTP" here to avoid
>     making this an excessively long mail.
Actually, it would help your argument quite a bit to give more details.

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Adam T. McClure    	Integrated Teaching & Learning project	University of Colorado-Boulder

"When philosophy has grown beyond science, it is
       time to create a new science." --

  "Any sufficiently advanced technology is 
       indistinguishable from magic." 
           -- Arthur C. Clarke
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Received on Sunday, 5 March 1995 04:21:39 UTC