web without cookies

Good day,
  I just read your blurb about web without cookies and would like to get
your thoughts on a way to protect privacy while keeping cookies in place
and without censoring publishers.
  Big Tech and social media are built on "A.I.":  not "artificial
intelligence" but "advertising inventory".  According to the cliche, "if
you're not paying for the product, then you are the product."  By this
reasoning, the general public is subsidizing Big Tech and social media
through creation and use of user profiles.
  Solution:  amend section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to provide
that a platform is not liable for the content on its platform if the
platform does not seek, accept, place or facilitate the placement of
advertising or sponsorships, and the only revenue it accepts is revenue
from individual subscriptions.
  With this approach, publishers are free to publish whatever content they
choose -- noxious or otherwise -- but they no longer have the content paid
for by advertisers unless the publisher takes responsibility for the
  Your thought?

Ron Davenport, Jr.
Sheridan Broadcasting Corporation


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Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 14:40:05 UTC