Re: Meeting with the TAG at TPAC

Thanks, Chris! That sounds eminently sensible.

Best of luck with the consensus building and spec drafting. Do let us know
when we might be useful!



On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 4:04 PM Chris Lilley <> wrote:

> Hi Hadley
> On 2022-07-26 19:29, Hadley Beeman wrote:
> We the W3CTAG[1] are beginning to plan our time over TPAC, and are looking
> forward to seeing many of you in person for the first time in quite a
> while.
> Could we be of any help to you?
> Web Fonts WG discussed this offer on yesterday's call. We are meeting at
> TPAC, and we have started early wide review [1] of our current work
> product, Incremental Font Transfer [2].
> In addition to horizontal review, this includes technical review by the
> Web Perf WG and the IETF HTTP WG.
> Our feeling is that we can best maximize the benefit of a TAG review by
> first coming to consensus on, and integrating into the spec, the feedback
> from the other parts of wide review. This *might *be done by TPAC but we
> are not certain that it will be.
> Therefore, while thanking TAG for the offer, we expect to request TAG
> review some time *after *TPAC and do not consider that requesting TAG
> time during TPAC would be the best use of your valuable but limited time.
> Of course, any TAG member who happens to have an interest or has already
> read the IFT spec and has comments, is most welcome to attend and/or raise
> issues on our GitHub repo!
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Chris Lilley
> @svgeesus
> Technical Director @ W3C
> W3C Strategy Team, Core Web Design
> W3C Architecture & Technology Team, Core Web & Media

Received on Thursday, 28 July 2022 12:59:28 UTC