Re: Summary of TAG resolutions on Director-Free Process proposals

On 9/16/2019 5:33 AM, fantasai wrote:
> The TAG was pretty clear that it wanted to limit the power of the Team 
> within the Council, and that it wanted the Council to be able to 
> choose a neutral chair per issue when possible. 

I agree that we should limit the power of the Team within the Council.  
In the AB proposal, the Team has 4% of the voting rights on the 
Council.  I find it odd that the TAG wants to limit the power of the 
Team further.

I understand the desire of choosing a neutral chair per issue.  A 
possible compromise would be for the CEO to chair the "overall Council"; 
that is the central administrative processing of formal objections.  
That includes receiving the objection; determining whether the Team can 
resolve the objection [1]; convening a task force for the objection if 
needed (i.e. the Council for the issue); managing workflow; ensuring 
that the objections are handled efficiently; and ensuring that responses 
are handled appropriately.

But, each individual task force can choose its own chair for that 
particular objection.



Received on Monday, 16 September 2019 23:37:00 UTC