Re: clipboard specs around (was: Re: Spec review request: CSV on the Web)

On 20/04/15 02:13, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> Very interesting. Anyone got a pointer to a summary of the state of
> the clipboard systems and types in the various OSs?  Connecting to
> them well in web arch is important.  If they have smart coercions
> between types they can be great - or frustrating.  We were just
> discussing the HTML table > spreadsheet case at lunch in fact...
Hello Tim,

there's not much literature about it all.
I've been trying to collect what I know of at: but it's been a while.

On the side of the browsers. There is, of course, also the clipboad-api
spec that is being worked on by Hallvord:
Some of it is implemented by some browsers. Similarly for what's in HTML5.

Personal stance:
However, the normal mistrust against any flavor that is not entirely
predictable does not make the world very nicely open: thus far, no
permission scheme can let you "assign the trust to copying that flavor".
Among the biggest mistrusted content-types is, of course, HTML, which
has, in most browsers, some forms of "sanitization" for it to be copied
in a safe way from an untrusted source.


Received on Monday, 20 April 2015 17:15:41 UTC