Re: A proposal for revising the rules on TAG Participation

On 7/10/2014 8:30 PM, Charles McCathie Nevile wrote:
> Alex is apparently welcome to come to TAG meetings, presumably for as long
> as he wants, and anyone is able to subscribe to this list. To do the things
> that belong in the TAG's scope, that seems to be enough.

If he's happy with that, so much the better. I've certainly seen situations 
in which employers will support travel and time for formal external 
commitments, but not for informal participation. Also, in general, I think 
it's desirable if those doing regular work for the TAG get the recognition 
of being members, and correspondingly that the undertake the formal 
obligations and responsibilities of membership.

Still, if Alex is happy with informal participation in coming months (I 
have no idea if he is), then so much the better. If not, and if there is 
likely agreement to change the rules, it might be worth considering a 
retroactive date for the change.


Received on Friday, 11 July 2014 21:22:48 UTC