Re: Forced Resignation

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> So is your claim that because browsers helped advance a purportedly
> failed technology, they will get everything else wrong too?

No, my claim is that there's proper Internet architecture (end-to-
end) on the one hand, and the needs of the corporate bottom-line on the
other. What I've yet to see, is a worthwhile protocol designed to the
bottom-line needs of corporations while rejecting tried-and-true ideas
like end-to-end networking which dates back to before I was born.

I have also yet to see an argument against end-to-end protocol design
on the Internet which hews to the technical, not the political; the
proof that this is a bad way to architect Internet protocols is, to me,
WebSocket due to its unanticipated cost of deployment due to a totally
anticipated lack of scaling -- regardless of who helped advance it.

The relevance to this discussion is corporate capture of TAG; while the
downside is occasionally losing a member in good standing, what's the
upside? More protocols which just wing it on an ad-hoc basis pretending
nothing Jon Postel ever said remains relevant today? Get three folks on
TAG from a corporation which rejects "Postelism" for political reasons,
and that's exactly what we'd have, rather than a body which attempts
(however futile) to maintain architectural correctness.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 11:53:45 UTC