Re: Forced Resignation

On 2 July 2014 11:55, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Eric J. Bowman <>
> wrote:
> > Haven't they been? Or did I miss something about the overwhelming
> > success of non end-to-end protocols like WebSockets for less cost than
> > deploying HTTP/1.1?
> So is your claim that because browsers helped advance a purportedly
> failed technology, they will get everything else wrong too?
> Provided WebSocket is not successful, what is the problem?

>From my basic reading the architecture notes, awww, design issues and
"Weaving the Web", what I view as the "big ticket" architectural items have
been slightly overlooked, by browser manufactures, to date.  I'll outline
what I consider the "Big 3".

1. The Web should be a collaborative and itneroperable space for both
reading and writing.  10 years ago the web was mainly read only, but in the
last decade we've seen an explosion of reading and writing, starting with
HTTP POST used for everything from online banking to blogging, to social
media.  This didn’t originate in the browser, it started on the server.
However, this has yet to be well standardized on the client side.  This is
despite the fact that original browser was both read and write.

2. The vision of the web was that "Everything could be connected to
everything".  We've seen the rise of Linked Data in past few years, but the
browsers have yet to take advantage of this powerful new realization of the
web vision.  It's been mainly left to startups, universities, corporations,
governments and grass roots.  But not yet the mainstream browsers, at least
as far as I can see.

3. In "Weaving the Web", Tim writes, "The Web is more a social invention
than a technical one".  I've yet to see the browsers take on the social
aspect in a way that's aligned with web axioms, ie with modularity,
decentralization etc.  Mozilla had a good go at it, but ultimately didnt
get there, imho.  We have ended up with balkanization of the social
experience of the web to an extent.

While I love many of the new features that browsers offer, and am generally
excited by recent progress, it would be great to see browsers take better
advantage of these architectural areas, too.

Just my 2 cents...

> --

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 11:24:03 UTC