Re: Revisiting Authoritative Metadata

Karl Dubost wrote:
> > they ever had to do for me was gracefully degrade to HTML parsing
> > and note the _website_ error unobtrusively in the status bar.  
> So you are saying that what browsers are currently doing is the right
> thing, by recovering things for the users?

Provided there's user notification.

> Status bar would not work. Too many messages. The messages are
> usually sent to the console and error tab.

Lots of ways to implement user-friendliness.  The user could be
interrupted with a dialog along these lines:

Ignore website error and continue?
-just this once

Display website error?
-just this once

Non-technical users can be asked once and their preference saved
forever more.


Received on Thursday, 28 February 2013 01:04:43 UTC