Agenda items for next conference call


Thanks for the reminder about adding agenda items via mail. One of these
days I'll get the hang of our process.

For the next phone meeting, I'd like to see discussion of:

   - *Fragment Identifiers*. Jeni and I were able to discuss this off-list
   last week and I feel as though the TAG could make note about this that
   contains architectural guidance in both the XML/RDF area and the HTML in  a
   way way that can make everyone happy. Short story: the XML/RDF difficulties
   spring from an inability for RDF to replace the behavior of xpointer. This
   arises because the XML processing algorithm does not specify any such
   extensibility point (nor define itself in terms of such a thing). Tension
   arises when higher-level semantics must use a low-level representation. The
   same arises with ad-hoc application-level semantics and HTML; as HTML has
   not provided a way for changes in fragment identifiers to be handled by
   "higher level" applications that use it as a representation and wire
   format, fights break out when apps want to implement a higher-level than
   "scroll to element" behavior. In both cases, explaining the problem in
   terms of a lack of extensibility point provides a way to think about the
   - *Shorter meetings*. I'd like to move that we have either fewer
   standing phone conferences (half) or keep the same number but halve the
   time. I suspect this might lead to an increase in ad-hoc or topic-specific
   meetings, but that feels a better use of our scarce interrupts.
   - *Polyglot*. We didn't get to it this meeting and I'd like to
   understand what our collective options are for making a decision; also come
   to at least a timeframe for whatever decision we need to make.


Received on Thursday, 7 February 2013 19:32:32 UTC