Re: Current TAG election

On Dec 30, 2013 10:24 AM, "Melvin Carvalho" <>
> Agree with much of what you write.  However, I am unsure I would 100% go
as far as:
> "Over time, we’ve collectively watched the W3C and, more generally,
standards become increasingly dysfunctional"
Let me add perspective to this comment as it is difficult to simultaneously
keep it short/succinct and still express the full thought.  W3C was humming
in the mid to late 90's.  Somewhere between then and a couple of years ago
it feels like it lost its way a bit.  The aims were valiant and theories
were good, but at the end of the day we lost the momentum and, i think,
direct connection with devs that ultimately makes a standard.  In terms of
the browser, not much actually happened for a good span of time. That
WHATWG broke off speaks to this, as do numerous other things you can point
to.  The article in smashing linked from that post contains numerous
examples of how, despite a new thrust of excitement, standards have left us
wanting and been, as i argue, dysfunctional.

Re: community groups, I agree.  Join us in :) I'd
love AB to work on improving this story for developers further still.

Received on Monday, 30 December 2013 15:48:18 UTC