RE: Current TAG election

I just wanted to drop a note to  TAG and followers of this list...

First, as a developer, I am personally very pleased by progress of TAG in
the last year (less really since the transition and setting focus took a
while).  I am especially pleased with the forward focus and continued
involvement in the developer community and unofficial engagement of TAG
members sparked by last year's electees.  Developers - at least a larger
group of us now know what TAG is, what it's working on and what some
members unofficially are interested in pursuing/applying officially - and
at least from my view - TAG's review and coordination with other working
groups (even other standards bodies) has been helpful in coordination of a
more unified vision.

In last year's elections, developers helped to campaign outside the normal
channels - out in the open.  I think this has helped bring the voices of
the larger developer community together and enabled those elected to not
only do great work, but also to carry our collective voices across many
forums where we have no official voice and developer participation is
otherwise limited.

I've posted an open letter to W3C members (especially ACs) as well as the
community of Web developers at large regarding this  (
Please have a look at the case I make and, if possible, let's keep up the

Received on Monday, 30 December 2013 14:57:32 UTC