Re: media types as anti-pattern

On 4/1/13 12:04 AM, Eric J. Bowman wrote:
> Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>> I believe that the concepts in REST are more important than the
>>> style itself -- Roy devised a methodology for improving the Web
>>> architecture. If, after this much passage of time, we come to
>>> falsify his conclusions, hasn't the fantastic success of the modern
>>> Web vs. the original Web over that time proven the methodology
>>> sound?
>> There is one Web that's evolved over time, exposing different
>> aspects. There are more aspects to be unveiled even though the core
>> architecture will remain unchanged.
> True enough, and Roy's methodology has been used to express emergent
> aspects of the Web:
> Which is why I'd like to see its continued use for discussions of Web
> architecture, instead of "unveiling more aspects" absent this
> established formalism.
> -Eric
RDF, RDF based Linked Data are drivers (based on methodology) of other 
aspects the Web that reflect its original design and goals, prior to the 
emergence of the REST moniker.

Bottom line, its all one well designed dexterous Web. We just need to 
continue to work on getting folks to understand the many affordances 
that AWWW accords :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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OpenLink Software
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Received on Thursday, 4 April 2013 13:57:13 UTC