Comments on Best Practices for Fragment Identifiers and Media Type Definitions,W3C Editor's Draft 23 September 2012


Here are some notes on the draft.


* Abstract:  and for authors that publish documents that are intended to be 
used with fragids -->  and for authors >who< publish documents that are 
intended to be used with fragids

* "Problems arise when a media type wishes to adopt several fragid 
structures because of its similarity with other media types and/or its use 
of a metaformat." I'm not sure that media types "wish" for anything. 
Perhaps: "Problems arise when there is a need for a media type to adopt 
multiple fragid structures, perhaps because of the type's similarity to 
other media types and/or its use of a metaformat."

* "SVG is only one example of a media type in which conflicts between 
different uses of fragids occur" --> "SVG is only one example of a media 
type in which conflicts >among< different uses of fragids occur" (I can see 
this on either way)

...more to come...


Received on Sunday, 7 October 2012 06:07:18 UTC