... possibly pertinent to TAG work on Publishing and Linking?


I think the question we have to ask at this point in the process is:  "Is the document we have published useful? Are there any errors that need fixing?

I think the comments you are making do not address those questions, but rather "is the document complete?" or "would it be more useful if we added more material?". And the answers to those questions are clear: of course the document is not complete. We could fill volumes and still not be complete. Of course there is more material we could add and more cases we could consider. However, I don't think those are useful to pursue. "Possibly pertinent" material at this point is much too broad.

My main question has been "what is the CR exit criteria" -- what constitutes an "implementation" of this document. I would suggest that an implementation of our CR might be a citation, or use of the document in a paper, legal case, or other citation.   Could students studying copyright, defamation, hate speech, international law, IT policy usefully cite "Publishing and Linking on the Web" ?


Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 15:51:45 UTC