Re: TAG response to your comments on "Issues of concern to the TAG"

On 20/02/2012 22:42, Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
>> Among many other important concerns, the impact on the W3C
>> specifications level needs to be assessed."
> We agree. We expect that individual working groups should take the lead in
> dealing with impact on particular specifications, and as noted above, the
> TAG will continue to play an oversight role, being alert for new issues, or
> for impact on specifications that others are missing.

The IETF has a principle that all specifications should have a "security 
considerations" section that at least aims to set out known security concerns, 
and where possible to indicate mitigation.  Is it time for W3C to adopt a 
similar principle?


Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 08:39:53 UTC