Heads up: XML Prague sessions

Hi all,

XML Prague 2012 is due to take place over this coming weekend, and since it covers a number of topics that are relevant to the TAG's work I thought I'd put it on people's radar here. You can see a list of sessions at:


Topics related to the work done here include notably HTML Data through Jeni's keynote and several items related to the HTML/XML task force including a panel on convergence ran by Norm.

I know that for most folks here it might be a little bit short notice to hop on a plane to join the conference (though I'd recommend you do, it's always a great show) but my understanding is that there will be live video streaming during the event (so starting Saturday morning CET) and those videos will then be archived. Additionally, in the past proceedings from the conference have also been made available for download.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 15:47:35 UTC