Re: FYI, tag election links

On 11/12/2012 16:24 , Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
> I think Larry gives an excellent summary of the recent past. In the
> early days, when the TAG was just setting down the "Architecture of the
> World Wide Web", I think there tended to be strong slates in contested
> elections, and (my impression) reasonably good participation by the AC
> in voting.  I haven't researched, but that's what I recall.

I won't cite any numbers but I don't see a strong correlation between 
how disputed the election is (in number of contestants, assuming that's 
a decent measure) and turnout. The latter can indeed fluctuate a fair 
bit (almost 3x from peak to trough) but is overall decent as elections go.

This is by far the most contested election (again, in number of 
contestants), and is getting more coverage than elections have since the 
very first ones, so I would hope for higher-than-usual turnout.

It's certainly exciting to see interest (re)kindled here!

PS: contrary to what Larry seemed to think, my past experience as an AC 
rep is that there is a fair amount of electioneering going on, albeit 
more of the discreet kind. I much prefer the open approach seen so far 
in this campaign.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 15:55:03 UTC