Re: Agenda for TAG teleconference of 26 April 2012

On Apr 26, 2012, at 14:05 , Larry Masinter wrote:
> I think the tag should plan to bring the work started by the RDF/micodata and XML/HTML task forces to Rec, with the goal of building community consensus based on their work.

Speaking as a member of the HTML/XML TF (but not on its behalf) I'm not sure that the report is Rec material. We were asked a question and we have provided our best considered consensus answer. We publish it as a WG Note to "indicate that work has ended on a particular topic" (Process §7.1.3). I don't see the value in moving it to Rec, it has no normative content and it's not something "W3C recommends the wide deployment" thereof (§7.1.2).

> I am not convinced that xml-er is the only path forward for xml/html. 

No one is saying that it is, but it is one avenue of exploration identified by the TF, and the XML-ER CG is carrying out that investigation. If it does turn out to be a good idea, the CG can hand it over to XML Core, which in turn can choose to make a Rec.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 26 April 2012 12:22:59 UTC