Re: Friction and cross pollination

On Oct 17, 2011, at 22:25 , Michael Champion wrote:
> I acknowledge that "it's time to retire the pattern…" is an overstatement,
> meant mostly to suggest that the HTML-XML TF declare victory and move some
> outstanding questions to Community Groups.

Oh, in that case I think that the TF might agree (I'm not saying there's stated consensus on this, it's just my feeling that we'll simply shut down once the report is published).

> For the HTML-XML situation, there are probably profiles, best practices,
> APIs, etc. that people could work on together  that could address
> some of the use cases, without trying to "fix" XML (which is largely done
> and burned into silicon) or add a boat anchor on the evolution of HTML.
> That seems more suited to a community-specific approach than a global
> architecture approach to me.

That's precisely what I was aiming for with my list of suggestions for further work. If it wasn't clear, we should clarify the text.

> I do suspect the same thing applies to the RDFa/Microdata and canvas/SVG/CSS situations, but that's getting into areas I'm not really up to speed on and don't wish to debate with the TAG.  

FWIW I think that the canvas/SVG/CSS situation is well on its way to being fixed with most involved parties happy with the current direction.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 21:26:34 UTC