Re: Identifying Application State

A new version of Identifying Application State is available at:
This contains changes in response to your comments in:

Here is how your comments have been addressed:

Need explanations or references [] for abbreviations used to improve
the reach and durability of the document:
[AM] Added reference to RFC 3987 and 3987bis
[AM] Added reference to XML Schema where this is defined
[AM] Replaced the abbreviation by Content Deleviry Networks
[AM] Added reference to XMLHttpRequest2

Re "not defined by the HTML specification"  -- architecturally the #
practice would have to derive from the media type registration, not
the HTML spec. The distinction would be academic if the registration
defined fragid semantics by reference to the spec, or if the spec
*was* the registration, but from a FYN perspective it's the
registration that has responsibility. You could just change
"specification" to "media type registration".
[AM] Done

Editorial nit, there should be no hyphen in "information on the
client-side" (non-adjectival compound).  All the other "client-side"s
are adjectival and therefore correct, so don't change those.
[AM] Done

Please let us know if this is satisfactory.


All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2011 17:55:38 UTC