Re: Preliminary agenda for TAG teleconference of 17 November

It occurs to me that we might also finalize our decision to publish 
Client-Side State as a finding. Ashok: did you get any comments that we 
didn't consider at TPAC? If not, I would think we could prepare a final 
version and vote to approve. Let's briefly discuss tomorrow.

Thank you.


On 11/15/2011 11:03 PM, Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
> I've prepared a preliminary agenda [1] for the TAG teleconference of 17
> November, which is this Thursday. Right now, the only substantive item
> ready for discussion appears to be SPDY, so we'll do at least that. There
> are one or two other things ready, but they involve TAG members who have
> sent regrets (Larry and Jonathan), and a few PENDING REVIEW actions that
> should be easily dealt with.
> If you have other items for the agenda, please send them by mid-day
> Wednesday, and I will finalize the agenda by Wed. evening.
> There will be no call on 24 November 2011, which is US Thanksgiving, so our
> next call will be in two weeks on 1 December.
> Our next TAG F2F is in early January. I don't expect to be working during
> the late December holiday period, so I'll be trying to get the F2F agenda
> ready by, say, Dec 21st or so. Especially for those taking time off for
> Thanksgiving, it's probably time to start working on significant drafts,
> etc. that you'll want discussed at the F2F.
> Thank you.
> Noah
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 18:22:12 UTC