Re: Repurposing the Hash Sign for the New Web comments

Julian, I believe Ashok is mistaken, as both do require js to operate.

Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
> I'm no fan of #!, but it gives you something that works on the 
> millions of browsers that are already out there that don't have the 
> history API. I'd like to believe we could, over time 
But then there are the browsers that haven't implemented the hashchange 
event, so to make the #! work in older browsers (< ie7, < ff 3.6) you 
have to use yet another 'hack' and continually poll the location.hash to 
see if it has changed.

Bear in mind the History API is now supported by most of the main 
current release browsers (FF, chrome, safari, opera) except Microsoft's 
Internet Explorer.

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2011 15:16:15 UTC