Re: Issue-57

Jonathan Rees wrote:
> Suppose the following holds:
>     <http://example/z> xhv:license <http://example/l1>.
> Suppose that I do a GET of 'http://example/z' and retrieve a "representation" R.
> My interlocutor wants me to be able to infer that
>     R xhv:license <http://example/l1>.
> so that my remix tool knows what license terms apply when using the bits in R.

Sure, let's say this holds. However, when downloading R to a local file,
creating a new resource <file:///tmp/z>, the licensing information might
be lost. Wouldn't it be safer to use a license embedded in R (i.e. in HTML
META tags)?

Jonathan also made this statement in an earlier mail:
> If U is a dereferenceable
> absolute URI, and M(<U>) for some metadata M, and a retrieval of U
> yields a representation Z, then M(Z). E.g. if an information resource
> has dc:title "Little mouse", then its associated representations do,
> too. Conversely, if M(Z) consistently for Z retrieved from U, then
> M(<U>).

I do have a problem with the last part of this paragraph where the
applicability of metadata is reversed. How are you supposed to determine
whether M(Z) is consistent? Is this consistency at a specific point in
time? How do I enumerate all possible representations of <U>?

I assume that httpRange-14 tries to avoid this consistency check through
enforcing these rules globally on the web. Doesn't read like sound
engineering and also seems like a hard task to me...



<> dc:creator [
   foaf:name "Tore Eriksson",
             "トーレ エリクソン"@jp;
   foaf:mbox_sha1sum "2bd9291b301f112775e118f96eb63314594b1a86";
   foaf:workplaceHomepage <> ].

Received on Friday, 24 June 2011 07:13:27 UTC