Re: ACTION- 541: Jeni to help Dan pull together terminology on Deep Linking

Hi Henry,

Thanks for that wording. Just to come back on a couple of your comments:

On 31 Mar 2011, at 18:51, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>  *distribute* [why isn't this called 'proxy' or . . . -- I find this
>  usage confusing]: to make something hosted elsewhere available,
>  without keeping a copy

I didn't want to use the term 'proxy' because proxies aren't the only kinds of servers that 'distribute' content. As I described further down the document, you also get 'reusers' that map the requests they get onto requests on other servers, perhaps changing the content type of the response from the original server or performing some other manipulation in a way that a proxy (in the HTTP sense) does not.

I'm not particularly tied to the term 'distribute' -- in fact I'd rather avoid it since it's a term that's used in licenses -- so I'm happy to take suggestions. Or perhaps my understanding of the term 'proxy' as used in HTTP is wrong.

>  *alias* [I would drop this from the initial list]: to make something
>  available to Web users under one name by pointing them to something with a different name

Why would you drop that from the initial list?


Jeni Tennison

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2011 12:21:47 UTC