Re: Agenda for TAG teleconference of 28 January 2010

On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 21:42 -0500, wrote:
> Dan Connolly writes:
> > It has the continuation of our Authoritative Metadata
> > and Self-Describing Web discussion as item 12, which
> > puts it at risk of getting no airtime at all.  [...] I suggest moving it 
> to the
> > first technical item in the agenda, or at least before
> > Web Site, "Speaks for", and policy mechanisms for Web APIs.
> I've moved it up some, per your request.


> [...] Anyway, it's a balancing act, and I'm not comfortable committing 
> to weekly discussion of all of these things until they're closed.

My request is only about this case in particular.

I agree it's a balancing act, in the general case.

>    Also, 
> I sometimes just use my judgement to give things a little space, for email 
> and reflection.
> > While we're taking up generic resources (issue-53)
> > let's look at/update all the relevant actions, i.e.
> > action-232 as well as action-231.
> I think action-232 is not due until the day of the telcon, and I saw no 
> progress on it.  So, that's why I haven't scheduled it.  Is there some 
> specific progress that you think merits discussion now?

Maybe not, but I think 232 was waiting on 231.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 28 January 2010 03:37:02 UTC