- From: Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com>
- Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:49:25 -0800
- To: noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com
- Cc: "Michael(tm) Smith" <mike@w3.org>, Paul Cotton <paul.cotton@microsoft.com>, Philippe Le Hegaret <plh@w3.org>, Sam Ruby <rubys@intertwingly.net>, "www-tag@w3.org WG" <www-tag@w3.org>
On Jan 8, 2010, at 12:33 PM, noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com wrote: > The TAG discussed [1] on it's teleconference of 7 January 2010 your > proposed plans for producing an HTML 5 language reference. I have > been > asked to convey to you that the path you've adopted seems promising, > and > we encourage you to proceed. Thank you! > We hope you'll understand that our > satisfaction with the HTML language reference plans can't be fully > established until we see the resulting working drafts and until the > HTML > WG's plans for publishing and maintaining them are clearer. So, we > hope > it will be acceptable if we should decide to raise additional concerns > later. That is totally understandable. It would be in order to raise additional concerns later, upon seeing the relevant Working Drafts and how things actually play out. Regards, Maciej
Received on Friday, 8 January 2010 20:50:00 UTC