Re: Deep linking barriers in the UK: The Royal Mail

Sorry, it seems 
On 2010-04 -23, at 15:35, Paul Libbrecht wrote:

> Le 23-avr.-10 à 04:07, Tim Berners-Lee a écrit :
>>> What is the reason this is called deep-linking?
>> Well, it has been called that.
> Excuse me to insist but I really feel that calling it is tainting it as sin while it really is just a usual form of linking and it should be clear to be a normal right except on "evil sites". I feel that naming it such, from an authority such as the TAG, does justify policy-makers to write such conditions-of-use.

"Tainting it as a sin"?  I must be missing something.   What is wrong with the word "deep"? as in "not shallow" meaning "not to the highest level of the hierarchy". Can you think of an alternative word for the issue which you would prefer?

 (There is, close but not related,  the "deep web" which is the data which is buried behind interactive web pages, and not therefore indexed.)


Received on Saturday, 24 April 2010 01:40:02 UTC