Re: Palm webOS approach to HTML extensibility: x-mojo-* [issue-51 selfDescribingWeb-51]

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On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Dan Connolly <> wrote:
> Just posted to the TAG blog:
> Palm webOS approach to HTML extensibility: x-mojo-*
> I got pretty excited about the iPhone, and even more about the openness
> of Android and the G1, and then I learn that the Palm Pre developer
> platform is basically just the open web platform: HTML, CSS, and
> JavaScript.
> Just after the TAG declared victory on how to build The Self-Describing
> Web with URI-based Extensibility and the mobile buzz at Web Directions
> North, I get some details on how Palm is building on the open web
> platform:
>        A widget is declared within your HTML as an empty div with an
>        x-mojo-element attribute.
>          <div x-mojo-element="ToggleButton" id="my-toggle"></div>
> Oh great; x- tokens... aren't those passe by now?
> The suggestion in the HTML 5 draft is data-* attributes. The ARIA draft
> suggests @role. The Palm design looks like new information for issue-41,
> Decentralized-extensibility, in the HTML WG.
> Anybody know how frozen the Palm design is? Or if they looked at ARIA,
> data-* or URI-based namespaces?
> --
> Dan Connolly, W3C
> gpg D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Monday, 16 February 2009 18:42:33 UTC