speaks_for stuff with examples on home financing, redirection, metadata, XSRF, and same origin

Larry and everybody,

Do the examples in this make sense?

I haven't written up some of the more technical stuff in prose yet,
but I did get the RDF/OWL/N3 stuff working, so I'm reasonably
confident it's sound:

A Model of Authority in the Web
Date: 2009/12/21 06:40:35
Revision: 1.24
     1. Decision making in ABLP logic introduces ABLP logic using
        ordinary decision making.
     2. Speech acts in HTTP relates HTTP requests and replies to ABLP
        speech acts. TODO: discuss InformationResource vs Principal.
     3. Recognizing the social aspect of HTTP prose TODO
     4. Indirection needs Redirection logically supports intuitive
        notions about redirection using the new contraint.
     5. Mashup Speech Acts discusses XSRF and same origin using:
              * Same Origin Policy
              * TODO: look at ways to opt-out of SOP, i.e. CORS and UM
     6. Appendixes
              * RDFS, pD*, and OWL2 stuff. raw form: owl2.n3 prose TODO
              * ABLP axioms and utility theorems
              * Common sense about events. raw form: time.n3 prose TODO

This is toward ACTION-349
Write up speaks_for applied to httpRedirections and httpRange using
motivating examples

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Monday, 21 December 2009 06:54:43 UTC