Re: Comments on HTML WG face to face meetings in France Oct 08

Also sprach Elliotte Harold:

 > It's an interesting idea, and might even work (though I'm skeptical) but 
 > it very much raises the bar for implementing parsers, and is contrary to 
 > the design of XML at a very deep level. In essence, it is a fundamental 
 > rejection of one of the core values of XML. It is the polar opposite of 
 > draconian error handling.

Yes. Draconian error handling was a mistake; it punishes users and
rewards implementations that break the standard. A simple error
recovery mechinanism would have made XML web-friendly and the world
would, possibly, have been different.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 17 November 2008 07:53:39 UTC