Re: [httpRange-14] What is an Information Resource?

John Cowan wrote:
> Xiaoshu Wang scripsit:
>> But if cap the size, the implication is that web 
>> is closed.  
> The Web is indeed closed.  There are roughly 10^79 particles in
> the universe, so it can be in at most 2^(10^79) possible states.
> After that, you either stop storing data or you figure out a way to
> break the conservation laws.  (I am neglecting quantum effects here.)
You mean one molecule of H2O is the same as two hydrogen and one oxygen? 
I do not understand your use of base 2 in your formula.  Also, if the 
universe survive infinitely, the number of human identities (live and 
dead) will surpass whatever a number you give, no? 

> It's like the notion that there are an infinite number of sentences in
> a given language.  For theoretical purposes we may postulate a grammar
> that can construct arbitrarily long sentences, but in fact even if you
> gabble at 100 words per minute for 150 years, which is beyond the limit
> of a human lifetime, you cannot utter a sentence of more than about
> 10^10 words.
> Information is inherently finite because its physical substrate is
> inherently finite.
Even if I buy your theory.  There is still a fairness issue.  Who will 
get the longest bit and who gets the shortest?  Because obviously they 
will be treated very differently in the web.


Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 12:16:42 UTC